Business Owner: Curtina Keetion How would you describe your business in your own words? A boutique that caters to small and plus...
Business Owner: Doug Keetion How would you describe your business in your own words? We are the premiere salon of Toledo and...
Business Owner: Terri Parker How would you describe your business in your own words? We are a full-service branding, marketing and communications...
By Carla Thomas Special to The Truth What’s in a name? While many adopt the title "Black Wall Street" , the once...
Business Owner: Kimberly Thompson How would you describe your business in your own words? We are a bakery that specializes in old-fashioned...
Business Owner: Kristie Knighten How would you describe your business in your own words? We provide customized apparel programs to business professionals...
Business Owner – Theodis Shelmon How would you describe your business in your own words? We install concrete for residential properties. What...
By Dawn Scotland The Truth Reporter [caption id="attachment_25185" align="alignright" width="300"] Organizers of Black Wallstreet Community Development with apparel Designed by Kristi Knighten...
The Truth Staff There were so many outstanding experiences to enjoy during the Juneteenth Restaurant Crawl. The food was universally outstanding, the...
[caption id="attachment_25127" align="alignright" width="300"] The Toledo Urban FCU Staff[/caption] On July 16, 1995, Suzette Cowell opened the Toledo Urban Federal Credit Union...
Special to The Toledo BlackMarketPlace What a difference a year makes. New research finds that small- and mid-sized business owners are increasingly...
By Asia Nail The Truth Toledo Reporter As the sun rises above the horizon, casting a warm glow across the city of...
Special to The Toledo BlackMarketPlace What motivates entrepreneurs to become self-employed? How do they measure success? What’s their cutoff for profitability and...
By Asia Nail The Truth Reporter In the medley of Toledo's transformation, Vince Evans is weaving a vibrant thread with the inauguration...
Countdown to an Exciting Venture: Superior Made Spaces Set for Grand Opening Soon By Asia Nail The Truth Reporter Downtown Toledo is...