Latest Blogs & Articles

Rob Pasker: Building Business, Educating Clients, Spreading Joy

By Asia Nail, Sojourner’s Truth Reporter; It’s a good thing Rob Pasker was blessed with a big, bright smile, because the man...

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De’Lisa Moore: Saving You Money; Enabling Your Growth; ...

By Asia Nail, Sojourner’s Truth Reporter; How good are you with your money? If you’re a good money manager, you’re the exception....

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New Minority Business Assistance Center Opens

The new Ohio Minority Business Assistance Center of Northwest Ohio, hosted by The Institute for Social Justice at Union Institute and Mays...

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Tiffany Lewis: Need A Job? Then, Do SUMthing

Tiffany Lewis has been fueling the career success of high-potential managers for 12 years; now, she has taken that experience and captured...

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