KpK Unlimited, LLC

Business Owner: Kristie Knighten

How would you describe your business in your own words?
We provide customized apparel programs to business professionals and groups. We help them embody their brand and use apparel to elevate their brand and boost their income.

What industry would you consider your business?
Customized apparel

When did your business open?
2013. We first started as an event planning company that provided all that one needs for events including apparel. We pivoted to apparel exclusively during the pandemic.

Why did you start the business?
I was in marketing at Raceway Park and I was hired to turn the track into a more attractive event space. In a very daring project, I planned my wedding reception at the park to change peoples’ perspective of the park. Through that experience I had all perspectives – it caused me to be the planner, the venue and the client. From there, I created my own event planning company.

What services do you offer?
We provide everything a client needs to get the look that they desire: Apparel production; Graphic design; Creative ideas; Curation consultations; Decision making assistance; Distribution methods (order forms, sales website for their products)

What is your signature item? Bestseller?
My bestselling item is a custom starter wardrobe. It consists of the five key pieces that a business professional needs, in my experience, to embody their brand and to present themselves professionally. We present those wardrobes in three different styles for the client.

What makes your business unique?
We custom create the plan based on  YOU. We offer all that you need to get the look that you desire – even if you don’t know what that is yet. We offer our clients a comprehensive service from start to finish and provide creative solutions.

Do you have plans to grow or expand your business in the future?
Yes. We’re in the process of perfecting the online sales experience.

How has the community benefited from the existence of your business?
I’m helping business professionals utilize apparel as a tool for success. Especially entrepreneurs. We need all that we can get. Apparel is a marketing tool. That’s what we specialize in apparel as marketing – which should affect their bottom line. We help businesses owners address their marketing needs.

What advice would you offer to other aspiring business owners?
Embrace mentorship. Don’t be afraid to admit that you need help and don’t give up.

Location: Online
Phone Number: 567-600-5575